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The Pirate's Daughter

The Pirate's Daughter


Royal Navy Captain
Kidnapped and blackmailed into marriage, Captain Devin Winthrop was set to end his blemish free career with smooth sailing, not with a wife. But he has one now, who's beautiful, smart, willing in bed and… a pirate's daughter. She also has a few pirate tendencies of her own and they aren't going unnoticed by his superiors. His marriage will either add wind to his sails or sink him to the ocean floor.

Captain of Her Destiny
Captain Mia Cadley never willingly gives up the helm. Nor does she always sail above boards. Her Papa's move to wed her to a man as stiff and unbending as a main mast has her searching for ways to scuttle him before he thinks to become her master and commander. Can she hold course against a rising tide of pleasure or will she be left scuttled and sinking into her husband's strong embrace.

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